I. “+ adjective
: not fortunate:
a. : not favored by fortune : unsuccessful , unlucky
sending the unfortunate naval commander into exile — A.J.Toynbee
b. : marked or accompanied by or resulting in misfortune
an unfortunate decision
unfortunate investments
an unfortunate night for all concerned
had an unfortunate experience with a neighborhood cleaner — Richard Joseph
c. : untoward , unpromising
an unfortunate location for the business
unfortunate social consequences — Willy Richardson
d. : unsuitable , inept
rather an unfortunate choice in the circumstances — Denis Johnston
his unfortunate personality — P.I.Wellman
e. : lacking felicity of expression : infelicitous
an unfortunate term
his phrasing was rather unfortunate — Nation
f. : deplorable , regrettable
an unfortunate lapse of taste — Saul Maloff
g. of a sign of the zodiac : having an unfortunate influence : unpropitious
Synonyms: see unlucky
II. noun
: an unfortunate person
leave off tormenting that unfortunate — Ellen Glasgow
one of those unfortunates without influence or money — Kenneth Roberts
: a social outcast (as a prisoner or prostitute)
one more unfortunate … gone to her death — Thomas Hood †1845