|ən+ adjective
Etymology: Middle English unreasonable, from un- (I) + reasonable reasonable
1. : lacking equipment of mind on the full human scale : not endowed with reason
the unreasonable beasts
a. : not governed by or acting according to reason : evincing indifference to reality or appropriate conduct : ill regulated in behavior
b. : not conformable to reason : absurd , inappropriate , incongruous
the unreasonable nimbus of romance with which she had encircled that man — Thomas Hardy
3. : exceeding the bounds of reason or moderation : inordinate , unconscionable
the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures — U.S. Constitution
the general level of their rates was found unjust and unreasonable — J.C.Nelson
• un·reasonableness “+ noun
• un·reasonably “+ adverb