“+ adjective
a. : withholding consent : averse , opposed
the radicals were unwilling to this — R.W.Winston
the judge was unwilling that the witness be recalled
b. : unwilled
'twas a fault unwilling — Shakespeare
the unwilling honor of being the most talked-of man in the musical world — George Copeland
c. : not favorably inclined : loath , reluctant
pride makes them unwilling to appear to be in any way subordinate — James Bryce
could not dance and was unwilling to learn
his unwilling accomplice from beginning to end — G.G.Coulton
2. : offering opposition : obstinate , refractory
two horses, one of which is … sluggish, lazy and unwilling — Rex Warner
fought against nature and an unwilling soil — W.C.Dickinson
• un·will·ing·ly adverb