I. | ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adverb
Etymology: up (IV) + stairs, plural of stair
a. : up the stairs : to or on a higher floor or level
b. : up into or up in the air ; especially : to or at a high altitude
take a new fighter plane upstairs — Business Week
2. : to or in a higher position ; especially : to or in a technically or ostensibly higher position that is less desirable especially because of diminished authority
began organizing for victory by kicking the commander … upstairs to the viceroyalty — O.S.J.Gogarty
quietly moved him upstairs to board chairman — Newsweek
3. slang : in the head
she's all vacant upstairs — J.T.Farrell
II. adjective
1. also upstair “
a. : situated above the stairs especially on an upper floor
an upstairs room
b. : of or relating to the upper floors
an upstairs maid
2. : placed at or occupying a higher level
skilled in upstairs politics — C.S.Bluemel
the upstairs ultrahigh-frequency area allocated to television — Telephone Engineer & Management
III. ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun plural but singular or plural in construction
: the part of a building that is above the ground floor