I. (ˈ)yü|tōpēən adjective
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: New Latin utopianus, from Utopia, Sir Thomas More's imaginary country + Latin -anus -an
1. : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a utopia ; specifically : having impossibly ideal conditions (as in politics, economics, and social customs and organization)
the dim utopian future — J.G.Colton
a utopian commonwealth
2. : proposing or advocating visionary and usually impractically ideal schemes especially for the perfection of social and political conditions
utopian idealists
3. : involving or founded upon imaginary perfection : impossibly ideal : chimerical , visionary
those who react adversely to secrecy often propose utopian alternatives — R.A.Dahl
branded as a utopian objective — M.K.Dziewanowski
recognized the utopian nature of his hopes — C.S.Kilby
4. : believing in, advocating, or having the characteristics of utopian socialism
utopian socialists
utopian doctrines
II. ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun
( -s )
Usage: sometimes capitalized
1. : a native or inhabitant of a utopia
a. : one that believes in the perfectibility of human society : idealist , visionary
a consistent utopian , expecting the future to realize her hopes — Van Wyck Brooks
b. : one that proposes or advocates plans usually of an impractical kind for social improvement and especially toward ideal social and political conditions
the attempts of utopians to impose an impossible social order — N.S.Timasheff
c. : one that believes in or advocates utopian socialism