Meaning of VENERATION in English

ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈrāshən noun

( -s )

Etymology: Middle English veneracion, from Latin veneration-, veneratio, from veneratus (past participle of venerari ) + -ion-, -io -ion

1. : a feeling of respect mingled with awe excited by the dignity, wisdom, or superiority of a person, by sacredness of character, by consecrated state, or by hallowed association

the tremendous veneration in which art and artists have been held — Huntington Hartford

regarded their teachers and institutions with the deepest veneration


a. : the act of venerating especially by the expressing of deeply reverent feeling — compare adoration

b. : the act of admiring humbly and respectfully

3. : the condition of one that is venerated

hoping to attain veneration from his subjects

4. : the phrenologic faculty of reverence

• ven·er·a·tion·al | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|rāshən ə l, -shnəl adjective

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