pronunc at verbal I+ˌizəm noun
( -s )
a. : something expressed verbally : term , word
the verbalisms so frequently considered amusing in published lists of pupils' boners — Textbooks in Education
b. : phrasing , wording
himself reasonably discriminating in his verbalism , he is apt to quote less carefully phrased expressions from the writings of others — Times Literary Supplement
2. : words used as or as if a substitute for or more significant than things : the equating of verbal quality with reality
the emancipation of science from verbalism — G.A.L.Sarton
for the normal person every experience, real or potential, is saturated with verbalism — Edward Sapir
a. : an empty form of words : a wordy expression of little meaning
has produced grandiose theories and pretentious verbalisms — Austin Warren & René Wellek
b. : wordiness
no time is wasted with superfluous verbalism — M.W.Smith