I. (ˈ)vik|tōrēən, -tȯr- adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Queen Victoria + English -an
1. : of or relating to the reign of Queen Victoria of England : representative of the art, letters, or taste of Victoria's reign
Victorian novels
2. : typical of the moral standards or conduct of the age of Victoria especially when stuffy or hypocritical
the bohemian was always at war in him with the Victorian gentleman — G.S.Haight
II. noun
( -s )
Usage: usually capitalized
: a person living during Queen Victoria's reign ; especially : a representative author of that time
III. adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: from Victoria, Australia & Victoria British Columbia + English -an
1. : of, relating to, or characteristic of the state of Victoria, Australia, or the city of Victoria, British Columbia
2. : of, relating to, or characteristic of the people of Victoria, Australia, or Victoria, B.C.
IV. noun
( -s )
Usage: capitalized
: a native or inhabitant of Victoria
V. noun
Usage: usually capitalized
: a typically large and ornate house built during Queen Victoria's reign