ˈvisərəl adjective
Etymology: Late Latin visceralis intestinal, inguinal, from Latin viscera + -alis -al
1. : felt in the viscera : physical , bodily
the visceral sensation of being catapulted down a roller coaster — Gilbert Seldes
intense visceral delight — F.L.Allen
2. : felt in the inner being : deep down : inner
his liberalism … is seldom visceral — H.J.Bresler
had the … visceral conviction that he was at home — R.L.Mittenbuhler
3. : of, relating to, or marked by instinctive or appetitive drives : not intellectual : nonrational , unreasoning
the conflict … between enlightened conservatives and the more visceral types — Rolfe Humphries
4. : dealing with crude or elemental emotions : raw , earthy
as emotionally naked and relentlessly visceral a play as our theater has seen — Henry Hewes
5. : of, relating to, or located on or among the viscera : splanchnic — compare parietal 1a