ˈwād.]ē, -āt], ]i\ adjective
( -er/-est )
Etymology: Middle English, from weight (I) + -y
a. : having much importance or consequence : momentous
let me have your advice in a weighty affair — Jonathan Swift
a weighty problem
b. : expressing or characterized by seriousness or gravity : earnest , solemn
a weighty plea
looked upon me with a weighty countenance — William Penn
a rather weighty pause — Louis Auchincloss
a weighty , consequential, humorless manner — Kinsley Amis
a. : weighing a considerable amount
a weighty load
several loads of extremely weighty cattle — Chicago Daily Drovers Journal
put the weighty parcel back into the woman's arms — G.G.Carter
b. : of large size : corpulent
a weighty man
c. : falling or pressing heavily
a weighty blow
d. : heavy in proportion to its bulk : of high specific gravity
a weighty metal
3. : hard to be borne : burdensome , grievous , onerous
a weighty evil
4. obsolete : of standard weight
contract to be paid in weighty money — John Locke
5. : having much force, influence, or authority : powerful , telling
is pretty clear that no book in the 18th century made quite so weighty or so wide an impact — H.J.Laski
Synonyms: see heavy