also wirey ˈwīrē, -ri
( wirier ; wiriest )
Etymology: wire (I) + -y
a. : made or consisting of wire
a wiry cage
b. : resembling wire in form and flexibility
crown of wiry gray curls — Anne Parrish
wiry grass
(1) of sound : produced by or suggestive of the vibration of wire
her wiry , plaintive voice — Marcia Davenport
beyond a wiry cheeping, has no song — D.C.Peattie
(2) in sound reproduction : characterized by excessive accentuation of higher-pitched tones
2. of the pulse : small but tense
3. : characterized by a lean supple vigorous physique : sinewy
the wiry figure of a long-distance runner — Phoenix Flame
chariots drwan by the wiry little British ponies — A.C.Whitehead