ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective
Etymology: from past participle of wear out
1. : used, damaged, or worn to the extent of being nearly or completely useless or unserviceable : dilapidated
an old worn-out suit
a worn-out automobile
2. : entirely spent or exhausted in strength, energy, or vitality : dissipated , depleted
fertilizer was applied to worn-out soils — P.E.James
buying worn-out horses and cattle
3. : being out of fashion or use : stale , trite , hackneyed
a recurrence of worn-out adjectives makes much of his work monotonous — Roland Mathias
the poet is betrayed by clichés and worn-out figures of speech — Burges Johnson
• worn-out·ness noun -es