ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun
Etymology: yellow (I) + belly
a. : pumpkinseed 1
b. : squawfish 1
c. : callop
d. New Zealand : any of several flatfishes (as Ammotretis guntheri ) that are important market fish
e. southern Africa : a guasa ( Epinephelus guaza )
2. : yellow berry 2
3. : one who is yellow : coward
was called a yellowbelly when he would not enlist at the beginning of the war
a. : a person having a yellow skin
b. Southwest : mexican — usually used disparagingly
two kinds of ethics, one for us and one for the yellowbellies across the line — E.L.Jones