I. (ˈ)yes, ˈyeu̇, ˈyeə & a multiplicity of other variants, among them ˈye, (ˈ)yas, (ˈ)yis, (ˈ)yəs, ˈyə, (ˈ)yās, ˈyi, ˈya(a), ˈya(a)ə, ˈ(y)iə, ˈ(y)ēə, ˈyä, ˈā(y)ə, ˈe(y)ə, ˈa(y)ə; to the variants transcribed as vowel-final, p or a glottal stop may be added adverb
Etymology: Middle English yes, yis, from Old English gēse, gīse, probably from gēa yea + sī, 3d singular imperative of bēon to be (suppletive infinitive) — more at yea , is
1. — used as a function word to express assent or agreement in answer to a question, command, or request
are you ready to leave? Yes, I am ready
yes , I will be glad to have lunch with you
yes I said yes I will yes — James Joyce
2. — used as a function word formerly to constitute and now usually to introduce correction or contradiction of a negative assertion, direction, or request
you couldn't have meant that. Yes, I did mean it
don't say that! Yes, I will
a. — used as a function word to express agreement with the content or implications of a preceding statement
yes , I see your point
yes , such a policy would be fatal
b. — used as a function word to express conditional assent to a statement or proposal subject to or limited by a following objection
this is a good meal. Yes, but I prefer my wife's cooking
4. — used as a function word to emphasize a following affirmative or to introduce a more emphatic, specific, or comprehensive statement
this is a possible, yes , a probable explanation
a source of inspiration to himself and to his people, yes , to humanity — Ernst Feise
5. — used as a function word to indicate uncertainty or polite interest or attentiveness
“Yes?” he said as he saw the stranger waiting to speak to him
II. ˈyes noun
( plural yeses also yesses )
1. : an act or instance of agreeing or assenting by the use of the word yes : affirmation
overcome them with yeses, undermine them with grins … agree them to death and destruction — Ralph Ellison
a. : an affirmative vote, decision, or opinion
the proposal was carried by a margin of ten yeses
b. yeses plural : persons voting in the affirmative
when it was announced that the motion had been defeated, there was a shout of protest from the yeses
III. verb
( yessed also yesed ; yessed also yesed ; yessing also yesing ; yesses also yeses )
intransitive verb
: to express agreement or assent
was better at yessing than at developing original ideas
transitive verb
: to give assent to : agree with
all she had to do was yes him when he was talkin' — Norman Mailer