ablative 1
— ablatival /ab'leuh tuy"veuhl/ , adj.
/ab"leuh tiv/ , Gram.
1. (in some inflected languages) noting a case that has among its functions the indication of place from which or, as in Latin, place in which, manner, means, instrument, or agent.
2. the ablative case.
3. a word in that case, as Troia in Latin Aeneas Troia venit, "Aeneas came from Troy."
[ 1400-50; late ME ablativus. See ABLATE, -IVE ]
ablative 2
— ablatively , adv.
/a blay"tiv/ , adj.
capable of or susceptible to ablation; tending to ablate: the ablative nose cone of a rocket.
[ 1560-70; ABLATE + -IVE ]