— adversariness , n.
/ad"veuhr ser'ee/ , n. , pl. adversaries , adj.
1. a person, group, or force that opposes or attacks; opponent; enemy; foe.
2. a person, group, etc., that is an opponent in a contest; contestant.
3. the Adversary , the devil; Satan.
adj. Also, esp. Brit., adversarial /ad'veuhr sair"ee euhl/ .
4. of or pertaining to an adversary.
5. involving adversaries, as plaintiff and defendant in a legal proceeding: an adversary trial.
[ 1300-50; ME adversarie adversarius, equiv. to advers ( us ) (see ADVERSE) + -arius -ARY; r. ME adversere ]
Syn. 1. ADVERSARY, ANTAGONIST mean a person or a group contending against another. ADVERSARY suggests an enemy who fights determinedly, continuously, and relentlessly: a formidable adversary. ANTAGONIST suggests one who, in hostile spirit, opposes another, often in a particular contest or struggle: a duel with an antagonist.
Ant. 1. ally.