— affrontedly , adv. — affrontedness , n. — affronter , n. — affrontingly , adv.
/euh frunt"/ , n.
1. a personally offensive act or word; deliberate act or display of disrespect; intentional slight; insult: an affront to the king.
2. an offense to one's dignity or self-respect.
3. to offend by an open manifestation of disrespect or insolence: His speech affronted all of us.
4. to make ashamed or confused; embarrass.
5. Archaic. to front; face; look on.
6. Obs. to meet or encounter face to face; confront.
[ 1300-50; ME afrounten af ( f ) ronter to strike in the face affrontare, deriv. of L phrase ad frontem at or toward the forehead (as the seat of one's feelings or dignity). See AD-, FRONT ]
Syn. 1. impertinence; contumely, scorn; indignity, abuse, outrage. See insult. 3. insult, slight, abuse.