Seph. Heb., Eng. /ah'lee ah"/ ; for 1 also Ashk. Heb. /ah lee"aw/ or, Eng., /euh lee"euh/ , n. , pl. aliyahs, aliyos /ah'lee yahz"/ ; for 1 also Ashk. Heb. /ah lee"awz/ or, Eng., /euh lee"euhz/ , aliyot Seph. Heb. /ah'lee awt"/ .
1. the act of proceeding to the reading table in a synagogue for the reading of a portion from the Torah.
2. the immigration of Jews to Israel, either as individuals or in groups.
3. any of the major waves of Jewish immigration to Palestine or Israel.
[ 'aliyyah lit., ascent, rise ]