— amendable , adj. — amender , n.
/euh mend"/ , v.t.
1. to alter, modify, rephrase, or add to or subtract from (a motion, bill, constitution, etc.) by formal procedure: Congress may amend the proposed tax bill.
2. to change for the better; improve: to amend one's ways.
3. to remove or correct faults in; rectify.
4. to grow or become better by reforming oneself: He amends day by day.
[ 1175-1225; ME amenden amender emendare to correct, equiv. to e- E- + mend ( a ) blemish + - are inf. suffix ]
Syn. 2. ameliorate, better. 3. AMEND, EMEND both mean to improve by correcting or by freeing from error. AMEND is the general term, used of any such correction in detail: to amend spelling, punctuation, grammar. EMEND usually applies to the correction of a text in the process of editing or preparing for publication; it implies improvement in the sense of greater accuracy: He emended the text of the play by restoring the original reading. 4. improve, ameliorate.
Ant. 2, 4. worsen.