ammonite 1
— ammonitic /am'euh nit"ik/ , adj. — ammonitoid /euh mon"i toyd'/ , adj.
/am"euh nuyt'/ , n.
the coiled, chambered fossil shell of an ammonoid.
[ 1700-10; Ammonites cornu ) Ammon ( is ) (lit., horn of AMMON) + -ites -ITE 1 ; fossil so called from its resemblance to the horn of Jupiter Ammon ]
ammonite 2
/am"euh nuyt'/ , n.
a nitrogenous mixture consisting chiefly of dried animal fats, usually obtained from livestock carcasses, and used as a fertilizer.
[ 1600-10; AMMO(NIUM) + NIT(RAT)E ]