/am pul"euh, -pool"euh/ , n. , pl. ampullae /-pul"ee, -pool"ee/ .
1. Anat. a dilated portion of a canal or duct, esp. of the semicircular canals of the ear.
2. Zool. , Bot. any flask-shaped structure.
3. Eccles.
a. a vessel for the wine and water used at the altar.
b. a vessel for holding consecrated oil.
4. a two-handled bottle having a somewhat globular shape, made of glass or earthenware, used by the ancient Romans for holding oil, wine, or perfumes.
5. Ichthyol. See ampulla of Lorenzini .
[ amphor ( a ) AMPHORA + -la dim. suffix, with normal vowel reduction and Gk ph rendered as p ]