Meaning of ANACRUSIS in English

— anacrustic /an'euh krus"tik/ , adj. — anacrustically , adv.

/an'euh krooh"sis/ , n. , pl. anacruses /-krooh"seez/ .

1. Pros. an unstressed syllable or syllable group that begins a line of verse but is not counted as part of the first foot.

2. Music. the note or notes preceding a downbeat; upbeat.

[ 1825-35; anákrousis, equiv. to anakroú(ein ) to strike up, push back ( ana- ANA- + kroúein to strike, push) + -sis -SIS ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .