— anamnestic /an'am nes"tik/ , adj. — anamnestically , adv.
/an'am nee"sis/ , n. , pl. anamneses /-seez/ .
1. the recollection or remembrance of the past; reminiscence.
2. Platonism. recollection of the Ideas, which the soul had known in a previous existence, esp. by means of reasoning.
3. the medical history of a patient.
4. Immunol. a prompt immune response to a previously encountered antigen, characterized by more rapid onset and greater effectiveness of antibody and T cell reaction than during the first encounter, as after a booster shot in a previously immunized person.
5. ( often cap. ) a prayer in a Eucharistic service, recalling the Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ.
[ 1650-60; anámnesis remembrance, equiv. to ana ( mi ) mné ( skein ) to remember ( ana ANA- + mimnéskein to call to mind) + -sis -SIS ]