— antically , adv.
/an"tik/ , n., adj., v., anticked, anticking .
1. Usually, antics .
a. a playful trick or prank; caper.
b. a grotesque, fantastic, or ludicrous gesture, act, or posture.
2. Archaic.
a. an actor in a grotesque or ridiculous presentation.
b. a buffoon; clown.
3. Obs.
a. a grotesque theatrical presentation; ridiculous interlude.
b. a grotesque or fantastic sculptured figure, as a gargoyle.
4. ludicrous; funny.
5. fantastic; odd; grotesque: an antic disposition.
6. Obs. to perform antics; caper.
[ 1520-30; earlier antike, antique antico ancient ( anticus, antiquus; see ANTIQUE), appar. taken to mean "grotesque," as used in descriptions of fantastic figures found in Roman ruins ]