— antidotal, antidotical /an'ti dot"i keuhl/ , adj. — antidotally, antidotically , adv.
/an"ti doht'/ , n. , v. , antidoted, antidoting .
1. a medicine or other remedy for counteracting the effects of poison, disease, etc.
2. something that prevents or counteracts injurious or unwanted effects: Good jobs are the best antidote to teenage crime.
3. to counteract with an antidote: Medication was given to antidote the poison the child had swallowed.
[ 1400-50; late ME ( antidotum antídoton something given against (i.e., for counteracting), equiv. to anti- ANTI- + dotón neut. of dotós given, verbid of didónai to give; akin to DATUM ]