— bachelorlike , adj. — bachelorly , adj.
/bach"euh leuhr, bach"leuhr/ , n.
1. an unmarried man.
2. a person who has been awarded a bachelor's degree.
3. a fur seal, esp. a young male, kept from the breeding grounds by the older males.
4. Also called bachelor-at-arms . a young knight who followed the banner of another.
5. Also called household knight . a landless knight.
[ 1250-1300; ME bacheler *baccalar ( is ) farm hand; akin to LL baccalaria piece of land, orig. pl. of *BACCALARIUM dairy farm, equiv. to *baccalis of cows ( bacca, var. of L vacca cow + -alis -AL 1 ) + -arium place ]