/buy"euh dear', -der'/ , n.
a fabric with horizontal stripes of brilliant colors.
[ 1855-60; bailadeira, fem. of bailador dancer ( baila ( r ) to dance (see BALL 2 ) + -dor -tor -TOR); appar. in reference to the fabrics worn by such dancers ]
/buy"euh dear', -der'/ , n.
a fabric with horizontal stripes of brilliant colors.
[ 1855-60; bailadeira, fem. of bailador dancer ( baila ( r ) to dance (see BALL 2 ) + -dor -tor -TOR); appar. in reference to the fabrics worn by such dancers ]
Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary. Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House . 2012