/bi neeth", -needh"/ , adv.
1. below; in or to a lower place, position, state, or the like.
2. underneath: heaven above and the earth beneath.
3. below; under: beneath the same roof.
4. farther down than; underneath; lower in place than: The first drawer beneath the top one.
5. lower down on a slope than: beneath the crest of a hill.
6. inferior or less important, as in position, rank, or power: A captain is beneath a major.
7. unworthy of; below the level or dignity of: to regard others as beneath one; behavior that was beneath contempt.
[ bef. 900; ME benethe, OE beneothan, equiv. to be- BE- + neothan below, akin to OHG nidana. See NETHER ]
Syn. 3. See below .
Ant. 1. above.