Meaning of BLIZZARD in English

— blizzardy, blizzardly , adj.

/bliz"euhrd/ , n.

1. Meteorol.

a. a storm with dry, driving snow, strong winds, and intense cold.

b. a heavy and prolonged snowstorm covering a wide area.

2. an inordinately large amount all at one time; avalanche: a blizzard of Christmas cards.


3. to snow as a blizzard: Looks as though it's going to blizzard tonight.

[ 1820-30, Amer.; earlier: violent blow, shot; cf. Brit. dial. (Midlands) blizzer, blizzom blaze, flash, anything that blinds momentarily; prob. expressive formations with components of BLAST, BLAZE 1 , BLUSTER, etc. ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .