/blooh"nohz'/ , n.
1. a puritanical person; prude.
2. ( cap. ) Also, Blue Nose . Canadian. an inhabitant of the Maritime Provinces, esp. of Nova Scotia.
3. Naut. Slang.
a. a sailing vessel of Nova Scotia.
b. a seaman on such a vessel.
[ 1780-85 (def. 2, 3); 1925-30, Amer. (def. 1); BLUE + NOSE; (def. 1) cf. BLUE LAW, etc.; (def. 2, 3) orig. a derisive name for a person residing in Nova Scotia before the Loyalists' arrival; allegedly so called from a variety of potato with a bluish tip, though there is no certain evidence for this or any of various other explanations of the name ]