bogey 1
/boh"gee/ ; for 2 also /boog"ee, booh"gee/ , n. , pl. bogeys , v. , bogeyed, bogeying .
1. Golf.
a. a score of one stroke over par on a hole.
b. par (def. 4).
2. bogy 1 (defs. 1-3).
3. Also, bogy, bogie . Mil. an unidentified aircraft or missile, esp. one detected as a blip on a radar screen.
4. bogie 1 .
5. Golf. to make a bogey on (a hole): Arnold Palmer bogeyed the 18th hole.
[ 1890-95; sp. var. of BOGY ]
bogey 2
/boh"gee/ , n. , pl. bogeys , v. , bogeyed, bogeying . Australian.
1. a swim; bathe.
2. to swim; bathe.
[ bu- bathe + -gi past tense marker ]