Meaning of BUFF in English

buff 1

— buffability , n. — buffable , adj.

/buf/ , n.

1. a soft, thick, light-yellow leather with a napped surface, originally made from buffalo skin but later also from other skins, used for making belts, pouches, etc.

2. a brownish-yellow color; tan.

3. a buff stick or buff wheel.

4. a devotee or well-informed student of some activity or subject: Civil War buffs avidly read the new biography of Grant.

5. Informal. the bare skin: in the buff.

6. Also called buffcoat . a thick, short coat of buffalo leather, worn esp. by English soldiers and American colonists in the 17th century.

7. Informal. a buffalo.


8. having the color of buff.

9. made of buff leather.

10. Slang. physically attractive; muscular.


11. to clean or polish (metal) or give a grainless finish of high luster to (plated surfaces) with or as if with a buff stick or buff wheel.

12. to polish or shine, esp. with a buffer: to buff shoes.

13. to dye or stain in a buff color.

[ 1545-55; 1900-05 for def. 4; earlier buffe wild ox, back formation from buffle bufalus; see BUFFALO; (def. 4) orig. a person enthusiastic about firefighting and firefighters, allegedly after the buff uniforms once worn by volunteer firefighters in New York City ]

Syn. 10. burnish, shine.

buff 2

/buf/ , v.t.

1. to reduce or deaden the force of; act as a buffer.


2. Chiefly Brit. Dial. a blow; slap.

[ 1375-1425; late ME buffe, back formation from BUFFET 1 ]

buff 3

/buf/ , n.


Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .