Meaning of BUN in English

bun 1

/bun/ , n.

1. any of a wide variety of variously shaped bread rolls, usually leavened and slightly sweetened or plain, sometimes containing spices, dried currants, etc.

2. hair gathered into a round coil or knot at the nape of the neck or on top of the head in certain coiffures.

3. buns , Slang. the buttocks.

[ 1325-75; ME bunne, of obscure orig. ]

bun 2

/bun/ , n. have a bun on , Slang.

to be intoxicated: Everyone at the party seemed to have a bun on.

[ 1900-05; of uncert. orig. ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .