— calmingly , adv. — calmly , adv. — calmness , n.
/kahm/ ; older /kam/ ; spelling pron. /kahlm/ , adj., calmer, calmest , n. , v.
1. without rough motion; still or nearly still: a calm sea.
2. not windy or stormy: a calm day.
3. free from excitement or passion; tranquil: a calm face; a calm manner.
4. freedom from motion or disturbance; stillness.
5. Meteorol. wind speed of less than 1 mph (0.447 m/sec).
6. freedom from agitation, excitement, or passion; tranquillity; serenity: She faced the possibility of death with complete calm.
7. to make calm: He calmed the excited dog.
8. to become calm (usually fol. by down ).
[ 1350-1400; (n., adj.) ME calm ( e ) calma (n.), calmo (adj.) cauma summer heat (with l perh. from L calere to be hot) kaûma (s. kaumat- ) burning heat; akin to kaíein to burn (see CAUSTIC); (v.) ME calmen calmare, deriv. of the n. ]
Syn. 1. quiet, motionless. 3. placid, peaceful, serene, self-possessed. CALM, COLLECTED, COMPOSED, COOL imply the absence of agitation. CALM implies an unruffled state, esp. under disturbing conditions: calm in a crisis. COLLECTED implies complete inner command of oneself, usually as the result of an effort: He remained collected in spite of the excitement. One who is COMPOSED has or has gained dignified self-possession: pale but composed. COOL implies clarity of judgment along with apparent absence of strong feeling or excitement, esp. in circumstances of danger or strain: so cool that he seemed calm. 7. still, quiet, tranquilize; allay, assuage, mollify, soothe, soften.
Ant. 2. tempestuous. 3. agitated.