— carelessly , adv. — carelessness , n.
/kair"lis/ , adj.
1. not paying enough attention to what one does: a careless typist.
2. not exact, accurate, or thorough: careless work.
3. done or said heedlessly or negligently; unconsidered: a careless remark.
4. not caring or troubling; having no care or concern; unconcerned (usually fol. by of, about, or in ): careless of the rights of others; careless about one's behavior; careless in speech.
5. possessed or caused without effort or art; unstudied: careless beauty.
6. Archaic. free from anxiety.
[ bef. 1000; ME; OE carleas. See CARE, -LESS ]
Syn. 1. inattentive, incautious, unwary, indiscreet, reckless. 2. inaccurate, negligent. 3. unthoughtful, unmindful. 4. thoughtless, forgetful; inconsiderate.
Ant. 1-4. careful.