Meaning of CENOBITE in English

— cenobitic /see'neuh bit"ik, sen'euh-/ , cenobitical, cenobian /si noh"bee euhn/ , adj. — cenobitically , adv. — cenobitism /see"neuh buy'tiz euhm, sen"euh-/ , n.

/see"neuh buyt', sen"euh-/ , n.

a member of a religious order living in a convent or community.

Also, coenobite .

[ 1630-40; coenobita, equiv. to coenob- ( koinóbios (adj.) conventual, living together, equiv. to koino- CENO- 2 + bi- BI- 2 + -os adj. suffix) + -ita -ITE 1 ]

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