— cindery, cinderous , adj. — cinderlike , adj.
/sin"deuhr/ , n.
1. a partially or mostly burned piece of coal, wood, etc.
2. cinders ,
a. any residue of combustion; ashes.
b. Geol. coarse scoriae erupted by volcanoes.
3. a live, flameless coal; ember.
4. Metall.
a. slag (def. 1).
b. a mixture of ashes and slag.
5. to spread cinders on: The highway department salted and cindered the icy roads.
6. Archaic. to reduce to cinders.
7. to spread cinders on a surface, as a road or sidewalk: My neighbor began cindering as soon as the first snowflake fell.
[ bef. 900; ME synder, OE sinder slag; c. G Sinter, ON sindr; c- (for s- ) cendre ashes ]