/kleet/ , n.
1. a wedge-shaped block fastened to a surface to serve as a check or support: He nailed cleats into the sides of the bookcase to keep the supports from slipping.
2. a strip of metal, wood, or the like, fastened across a surface, as a ramp or gangway, to provide sure footing or to maintain an object in place.
3. a strip of wood, metal, etc., fastened across a surface, as of a plank or series of adjacent planks, for strength or support.
4. a conical or rectangular projection, usually of hard rubber, or a metal strip with sharp projections, built into or attached to the sole of a shoe to provide greater traction.
5. a shoe fitted with such projections.
6. a metal plate fastened to the sole or heel of a shoe, to protect against wear.
7. Shipbuilding. a hook-shaped piece of metal supporting a small structural member.
8. Also called belaying cleat . Naut. an object of wood or metal having one or two projecting horns to which ropes may be belayed, esp. as fixed to the deck, bulkhead, or stanchion of a vessel.
9. the cleavage plane of coal as found in a mine.
10. to supply or strengthen with cleats; fasten to or with a cleat.
[ 1350-1400; ME clete wedge, c. OHG kloz lump, ball, D kloot; akin to CLOT ]