— coagulation , n. — coagulatory /koh ag"yeuh leuh tawr'ee, -tohr'ee/ , coagulative /koh ag"yeuh lay'tiv, -leuh tiv/ , adj.
v. /koh ag"yeuh layt'/ ; adj. /koh ag"yeuh lit, -layt'/ , v. , coagulated, coagulating , adj.
v.t. , v.i.
1. to change from a fluid into a thickened mass; curdle; congeal: Let the pudding stand two hours until it coagulates.
2. Biol. (of blood) to form a clot.
3. Physical Chem. (of colloidal particles) to flocculate or cause to flocculate by adding an electrolyte to an electrostatic colloid.
4. Obs. coagulated.
[ 1350-1400 for earlier ptp. senses "solidified, clotted," 1605-15 for def. 1; ME coagulat ( us ) (ptp. of coagulare ), equiv. to coagul ( um ) COAGULUM + -atus -ATE 1 ]
Syn. 1. clot, set, solidify, thicken.