/kom'euhn day"sheuhn/ , n.
1. the act of commending; recommendation; praise: commendation for a job well done.
2. something that commends, as a formal recommendation or an official citation or award: a commendation for bravery.
3. Feudal Law. the placing of oneself or one's land under the protection of a lord so as to become his vassal.
4. commendations , Archaic. a complimentary greeting or message.
[ 1175-1225; ME commendacioun ( commendation- (s. of commendatio ) a commending to God. See COMMEND, -ATION ]
Syn. 1. approval, approbation, applause. 2. eulogy, encomium, panegyric, laudation.
Ant. 1, 2. condemnation.