/keuh myooh"ni kayt'/ , v. , communicated, communicating .
1. to impart knowledge of; make known: to communicate information; to communicate one's happiness.
2. to give to another; impart; transmit: to communicate a disease.
3. to administer the Eucharist to.
4. Archaic. to share in or partake of.
5. to give or interchange thoughts, feelings, information, or the like, by writing, speaking, etc.: They communicate with each other every day.
6. to express thoughts, feelings, or information easily or effectively.
7. to be joined or connected: The rooms communicated by means of a hallway.
8. to partake of the Eucharist.
9. Obs. to take part or participate.
[ 1520-30; communicatus, ptp. of communicare to impart, make common, equiv. to commun ( is ) COMMON + -icare v. suffix ]
Syn. 1. divulge, announce, disclose, reveal. COMMUNICATE, IMPART denote giving to a person or thing a part or share of something, now usually something immaterial, as knowledge, thoughts, hopes, qualities, or properties. COMMUNICATE, the more common word, implies often an indirect or gradual transmission: to communicate information by means of letters, telegrams, etc.; to communicate one's wishes to someone else. IMPART usually implies directness of action: to impart information.
Ant. 1. withhold, conceal.