Meaning of CONCERTATION in English

/kon'seuhr tay"sheuhn/ ; Fr. /kawonn serdd tann syawonn"/ , n.

(esp. in European politics) cooperation, as among opposing factions, aimed at effecting a unified proposal or concerted action.

[ 1500-10; concertation- (s. of concertatio strife, controversy), equiv. to concertat ( us ) ptp. of concertare to contend, fight ( con- CON- + certare to contend, freq. of cernere to decide, determine, lit., to sift; cf. CERTAIN) + -ion- -ION; though influenced by F concerter (see CONCERT) and perh. a new formation ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .