— conglomeratic /keuhn glom'euh rat"ik, keuhng-/ , conglomeritic /keuhn glom'euh rit"ik, keuhng-/ , adj.
n. , adj. /keuhn glom"euhr it, keuhng-/ ; v. /keuhn glom"euh rayt', keuhng-/ , n., adj., v., conglomerated, conglomerating .
1. anything composed of heterogeneous materials or elements.
2. a corporation consisting of a number of subsidiary companies or divisions in a variety of unrelated industries, usually as a result of merger or acquisition.
3. Geol. a rock consisting of pebbles or the like embedded in a finer cementing material; consolidated gravel.
4. gathered into a rounded mass; consisting of parts so gathered; clustered.
5. consisting of heterogeneous parts or elements.
6. of or pertaining to a corporate conglomerate.
7. Geol. of the nature of a conglomerate.
8. to bring together into a cohering mass.
9. to gather into a ball or rounded mass.
10. to collect or cluster together.
11. (of a company) to become part of or merge with a conglomerate.
[ 1565-75; conglomeratus (ptp. of conglomerare ), equiv. to con- CON- + glomer- (s. of glomus ) ball of yarn + -atus -ATE 1 ]