/kon"si kwent', -kweuhnt/ , adj.
1. following as an effect or result; resulting (often fol. by on, upon, or to ): a fall in price consequent to a rise in production.
2. following as a logical conclusion: a consequent law.
3. following or progressing logically: consequent reasoning.
4. anything that follows upon something else, with or without a causal relationship.
5. Logic. the second member of a conditional proposition, as "Caesar was a great general" in "If Caesar conquered Gaul, he was a great general."
6. Math.
a. the second term of a ratio.
b. the second of two vectors in a dyad.
[ 1350-1400; ME (n.) consequent- (s. of consequens, prp. of consequi to follow closely). See CON-, SEQUENT ]