— constituter, constitutor , n.
/kon"sti tooht', -tyooht'/ , v.t., constituted, constituting .
1. to compose; form: mortar constituted of lime and sand.
2. to appoint to an office or function; make or create: He was constituted treasurer.
3. to establish (laws, an institution, etc.).
4. to give legal form to (an assembly, court, etc.).
5. to create or be tantamount to: Imports constitute a challenge to local goods.
6. Archaic. to set or place.
[ 1400-50; late ME constitutus (ptp. of constituere; see CONSTITUENT), equiv. to con- CON- + -stitutus, comb. form of statutum, ptp. of statuere to set up. See STATUTE ]
Syn. 3. institute, commission.