— contender , n. — contendingly , adv.
/keuhn tend"/ , v.i.
1. to struggle in opposition: to contend with the enemy for control of the port.
2. to strive in rivalry; compete; vie: to contend for first prize.
3. to strive in debate; dispute earnestly: to contend against falsehood.
4. to assert or maintain earnestly: He contended that taxes were too high.
[ 1400-50; late ME contenden contendre contendere to compete, strive, draw tight, equiv. to con- CON- + tendere to stretch; see TEND 1 ]
Syn. 1. wrestle, grapple, battle, fight. 2. See compete. 3. argue, wrangle. 4. hold, claim.
Ant. 3. agree.