— convictable, convictible , adj. — convictive , adj. — convictively , adv.
v. , adj. /keuhn vikt"/ ; n. /kon"vikt/ , v.t.
1. to prove or declare guilty of an offense, esp. after a legal trial: to convict a prisoner of a felony.
2. to impress with a sense of guilt.
3. a person proved or declared guilty of an offense.
4. a person serving a prison sentence.
5. Archaic. convicted.
[ 1350-1400; (v.) ME convicten convictus ptp. of convincere, equiv. to con- CON- + vic- var. s. of vincere to overcome + -tus ptp. suffix (see CONVINCE); (n., adj.) ME convict, ptp. of convicten (or directly ]