/koohp, koop/ , n.
1. an enclosure, cage, or pen, usually with bars or wires, in which fowls or other small animals are confined for fattening, transportation, etc.
2. any small or narrow place.
3. Slang. a prison.
4. Sometimes Facetious. a cooperative, esp. the cooperative bookstore of a college or university.
5. fly the coop , Informal. to run off; depart abruptly; escape: We stopped to see my sister, but she'd flown the coop.
6. to place in or as if in a coop; confine narrowly (often fol. by up or in ).
7. Slang. (of a police officer) to park and sleep inside one's patrol car while on duty.
[ 1250-1300; ME coupe basket, perh. kaup wooden can; akin to OE cypa basket ]