copper 1
/kop"euhr/ , n.
1. a malleable, ductile, metallic element having a characteristic reddish-brown color: used in large quantities as an electrical conductor and in the manufacture of alloys, as brass and bronze. Symbol: Cu; at. wt.: 63.54; at. no.: 29; sp. gr.: 8.92 at 20°C.
2. a metallic reddish brown.
3. a coin composed of copper, bronze, or the like, as the U.S. cent or the British penny.
4. any of several butterflies of the family Lycaenidae, as Lycaena hypophleas (American copper) , having copper-colored wings spotted and edged with black.
5. a container made of copper.
6. a tool partly or wholly made of copper: a soldering copper.
7. Brit. a large kettle, now usually made of iron, used for cooking or to boil laundry.
8. made of copper: copper kettles.
9. reddish-brown; coppery: The copper sun sank into the sea.
10. to cover, coat, or sheathe with copper.
11. Informal. hedge (def. 6).
[ bef. 1000; ME coper, OE coper, copor (c. ON koparr, G Kupfer ) cuprum, for L ( aes ) Cyprium CYPRIAN (metal) ]
copper 2
/kop"euhr/ , n. Slang.
a police officer.
[ 1840-50, Amer.; perh. COP 1 + -ER 1 ]