courser 1
/kawr"seuhr, kohr"-/ , n.
1. a person or thing that courses.
2. a dog for coursing.
[ 1585-95; COURSE + -ER 1 ]
courser 2
/kawr"seuhr, kohr"-/ , n. Literary.
a swift horse.
[ 1250-1300; ME coursier cursarius, equiv. to L curs ( us ) COURSE + -arius -ARY; see -ER 2 ]
courser 3
/kawr"seuhr, kohr"-/ , n.
any of several swift-footed, ploverlike birds of the genera Cursorius and Pluvianus, chiefly of the desert regions of Asia and Africa.
[ 1760-70; irreg. cursorius fitted for running, equiv. to L cur ( rere ) to run + -sorius, for -torius -TORY 1 ; cf. COURSE ]